Naturopathic Treatments. Functional Testing. A Systematic Step by Step Approach. Care for the Whole Person
I am curious and always want to take a deeper look. I strive to treat the individual - not just their health condition & symptoms.
This requires taking into account the mental/emotional and lifestyle factors that move them towards or away from illness.
Keeping patients motivated and engaged as active participants in their health is as much a part of my role as testing and treatment.
By educating and empowering patients, they are better able to continue doing the right thing, even when it gets difficult. This is what leads to lasting outcomes.
Nearly 20 years of experience helping patients make healthy choices that lead to better health.
Trained in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of chronic and acute conditions using clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, supplementation and lifestyle counseling.
Graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine; one of six accredited schools in North America.
Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner.
Dr. Paris holds an out of state license, as Michigan does not license Naturopathic medicine at this time.
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Call / Text or Email: 248.403.5544
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